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General inquiries
Phone 058 285 85 85
From outside Switzerland: +41 58 285 85 85
Home Contact
Contact us: All important telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and the address of our location in the heart of Basel at a glance, so that you can get in touch with us.
Contact us
General customer concerns

Should you have a customer enquiry, please contact our customer service in the respective country:

Contact Switzerland Contact Germany Contact Belgium Contact Luxembourg
General enquiries

The Investor Relations team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our share or the course of business at Baloise.

+41 58 285 81 81
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+41 58 285 81 81
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+41 58 285 81 81
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Questions regarding entry in the share register

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your entry in the share register.

Margrit Basler
Baloise Group

General enquiries

For all questions regarding your career, please contact our recruiting:

Specific concerns

If you have specific concerns, you will find the right contact person here:

Media enquiries

For media enquiries please contact our Media Relations Team.

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Register your startup

Startups can get in touch with us via the contact form.

For sponsorship enquiries, please contact the following e-mail addresses directly:

If you have not found the right contact person among the above contacts, please contact our central telephone office: